Retailer: A Retail Pricing Simulation Exercise
How do mangers for large retail chains determine pricing and markdown strategies?
How do mangers for large retail chains determine pricing and markdown strategies?
What was the value of GM's pension liability in the years leading up to its bankruptcy?
What is the appropriate response of a leader in a crisis situation?
What are the potential implications of broadly implementing the Toyota Production System for GM's production strategy and profitability?
What does the analysis of the data for the Chevy Cavalier suggest about how well management aligns production and sales?
Did GM's management make the wrong business decision in producing the cars they did?
Should discount pricing for an airline's youth shuttle passengers be resurrected in the wake of the 2008-2012 economic downturn?
Was Siemens's Executive Relationship Program sustainable in its current form?
How can a firm avoid a failed acquisition—i.e., one in which it does not recover its costs?
How might the son of the CEO of a medium-sized manufacturing firm succeed as his father's successor?