ClothingCo: Redesigning the Sleepwear Business
How should a mid-level retail executive motivate the research team to engage in an important project--and then secure buy-in for his proposal from top management?
How should a mid-level retail executive motivate the research team to engage in an important project--and then secure buy-in for his proposal from top management?
As a Wall Street titan struggles with dissident shareholders and financial issues following a merger, how should the firm respond?
A Walk in the PARC: What missteps did Xerox take in transforming its computing research and innovations into viable commercial products?
What cultural clues is the new Director of Marketing at an established consulting firm ignoring?
What steps would be necessary for a recent Columbia MBA graduate to win over employees and to implement a successful change agenda in an innovative start-up energy company?
When are the forces for organizational change greater than the cost of change-and how does this "formula" apply to an automotive plant in need of process improvement?
Should a company with a 25-year old corporate social responsibility strategy reinvent its campaign or create a completely new one?
What action should a junior manager take when he discovers poor working conditions at his company's South China supplier?
What are the options for a start-up and its founder as she faces the phenomenon known as "Founder's Dilemma"?
How should a newly promoted manager confront her company when she discovers a potential bribe to a foreign government?