The Alibaba Partnership: Illustrating the Costs of Separating Ownership and Control
How does the Alibaba Partnership impact the interests of its shareholders?
How does the Alibaba Partnership impact the interests of its shareholders?
How can a partnership between a drug sponsor and a development partner improve the efficiency of bringing a product to market?
What makes a successful diversified conglomerate?
How should a Tunisian baked goods company be valued by a private equity team in the aftermath of the Arab Spring?
Should Uruguayan 3D printing firm Robtec revise its business model?
Do emerging markets present a viable growth opportunity for sanitary protection products manufactured by multinational CPG firms?
What should IPO valuation for Alibaba be?
How did Uruguayan entrepreneur improve productivity at his recently purchased dairy farm?
What were the deals that helped to shape—and reshape—the aircraft operating lease industry?
Did the International Lease Finance Corporation find long-lasting safety in its merger with AIG?