Pratt & Whitney and the Geared Turbofan: This Changes Everything
What financial and competitive considerations did Pratt & Whitney take into account when they decided to invest billions of dollars in new engine technology?
What financial and competitive considerations did Pratt & Whitney take into account when they decided to invest billions of dollars in new engine technology?
How did Kodak lose its way, despite being keenly aware for decades of the threat posed by digital—and how did Fuji reinvent itself in the midst of the revolution?
What role should the privately owned consulting firm McKinsey & Company play in helping Germany to navigate the logistics of its "open door" policy for Syrian refugees?
What path should the non-profit organization myAgro take to ensure its continued growth in support of African smallholder farmers?
Did SunCulture, a company that produced and sold solar-powered water pumps to Kenyan farmers represent a good investment opportunity for the PanAfrican Investment Company?
How should the United States respond to mounting tension over its trade relations with China?
What is the best strategy for S Group's future growth in an environment where large global retailers may be poised to enter the Finnish market?
How should large companies like AB InBev organize themselves to foster innovation and self-disruption both immediately and over the long term?
Is it possible for Etsy to remain true to its founders' commitment to social values once it became a public corporation?
As apparel retailing moved online, would Zara's competitive advantage in traditional retail extend to e-commerce?