Newark Public Schools: Assessing the Impact of Reforms
What insights can be gleaned from the decade of data that has tracked reform initiatives in the Newark, New Jersey public schools?
What insights can be gleaned from the decade of data that has tracked reform initiatives in the Newark, New Jersey public schools?
Were credit guarantees, in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the right path for to scale its water-related microfinance initiatives in emerging markets?
How should a business model be developed and communicated to best support the launch of a new venture?
Is Michelle Rhee, the controversial chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools, a successful change agent?
Is Michelle Rhee, the controversial chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools, a successful change agent?
What path should the non-profit organization myAgro take to ensure its continued growth in support of African smallholder farmers?
Did SunCulture, a company that produced and sold solar-powered water pumps to Kenyan farmers represent a good investment opportunity for the PanAfrican Investment Company?
Can Shift Capital raise the $25 million additional funding it needs to keep its real estate development plans on track for a blighted Philadelphia neighborhood?
Is it possible for Etsy to remain true to its founders' commitment to social values once it became a public corporation?
How should Pigeonly—a tech start-up providing affordable communications options to loved ones of incarcerated individuals—respond to an unexpected operational crisis?