A-List Education: Building on Initial Success
How should a provider of educational materials for test preparation—a commercial business with a social mission— finance its expansion into technology-based products?
How should a provider of educational materials for test preparation—a commercial business with a social mission— finance its expansion into technology-based products?
Opportunity Fund's small business lending program had historically offered only a traditional installment loan product—would its new EasyPay product offer more opportunities to scale?
Should M&G stick with the original plan to simply act as a licensor or take a more active role in the biofuel marketplace?
After 15 years of success, does E+Co's, a well-respected clean energy impact investment firm, need to reconsider its business model?
What factors should an alternate energy company consider when deciding whether to operate a project once it has been built?
How would IFMR Capital convince a traditional class of capital market investors to invest in securitized microloans?
Can the lending model created by Grameen Bank to serve the poor in developing countries help the poor and unbanked in the United States?
As a national nonprofit loan fund considers investing in an online book marketplace, what risks should be considered and how might they be mitigated?
How did two novice entrepreneurs meet the myriad of challenges presented by the creation of New York City's High Line?
What is the best launch strategy for a new product concept with the potential to serve two distinct, well defined markets?