Urban Outfitters: Shareholder Advocacy and the Hipster Hyper-Capitalist
Can Urban Outfitters be persuaded to join other manufacturers in establishing best practices for its factories in developing countries?
Can Urban Outfitters be persuaded to join other manufacturers in establishing best practices for its factories in developing countries?
What will be the longer term impact of Stanford University's decision to divest its endowment's holdings in companies that produce coal?
With the global economy at a crossroads in 2008, how should General Motors allocate its capital?
What was the true economic impact of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)?
Should M&G stick with the original plan to simply act as a licensor or take a more active role in the biofuel marketplace?
How does the Solow Model help to explain a country's economic growth?
Can the lending model created by Grameen Bank to serve the poor in developing countries help the poor and unbanked in the United States?